Sunday 25 September 2011


I have learnt so much from my tenants over the years on how they invent ways to get everything for nothing, without the need to work or contribute to society, scaming charities and government departments and molding their personalities to gain assistance to maintain their lifestyle in the manner they have become accustomed to. This may sometimes include attempted blackmail or creating stories to gain an advantage by deception basically.
Unfortunately the charitable do gooders and church groups either know they are being scammed or are oblivious to the scams, such is the nature of mankind and the flaw of Selfishness and Ego...where the streetwise take avantage of the weak church groups. Now I'm not saying that there are not many people deserving assistance, i'm saying that a huge number are scamming our nations generous system of social welfare both private and government.
I'm going to make a bold statement in my blog ...that nobody can be poor in Australia when the biggest charity in this country is the Federal Government using Centrelink and Tax department to redistribute $billions to the needy.  Sure some of the rich and famous and some politicians complain that there is too much welfare...but they are wrong from even an economic point of view. I will again make a bold statement and state that the wealthy rely on the poorer and government welfare for their wealth.  The banks also rely heavily on a generous welfare state underpinning their asset security.I will expand on this later in my blogs.

Before I mention the scams i'm aware of I'd be interested to hear what readers have seen over the years.

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