Saturday 24 September 2011


The is my first attempt to get the CRISIS & ROOMING HOUSE ACCOMMODATION topic in front of the not only the politicians who seem to have all the answers prior to being elected but also the department heads who really run the State Governments when lazy politicians leave it to the normal processes to continue. 

One would assume and expect that with each successive change of State or Federal Government there would be an improvement with fresh new ideas to solve the problems always blamed on the previous government. In my opinion little changes when a few extra politicians in the opposing side get elected thus swinging the political power to another group or syndicate or coalition of politicians. Why?  In my opinion it is because the staff in the departments are still the same people even if the Heads of Departments also change.   

If you have any ideas to help alleviate the housing problem please
contribute your ideas to the blog ...I'm still learning how to use the blog so
forgive me if i appear as a commenter instead of the blog entry.


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