Monday, 24 December 2012



Not a week ago the Salvos from Sunshine give us a call to house a couple who they say could not live with usual they were behaved and 'presented well' is the term...I call it high level deception. The Salvos assure us they ok just need a good place to live.
Christmas Eve at about 4pm, police called to a serious domestic and woman taken away from Rooming House ..... Bf had blood on his hands due to punching a brick wall it seems and very very agitated and we warned him of eviction possibility if he disturbed our other residents.
Woman released by police and threatens to come back with armed broady boys to collect her things. Police alerted again back at 11pm and it is alleged someone gets knocked out by a neighbour and the bf is arrested by police and released again only to returns at 4.45am to take revenge for eviction by kicking the managers door.... girls crying..... guys very upset its 6.30am police take him away and it might have been Xmas for the staff of the Salvos but two of their people turned a peaceful household into a Xmas Hell because we are being used by salvos to house their criminals they want to get rid out of their refuges. 
True story based on preliminary information....maybe updated later

Saturday, 10 November 2012


We had an applicant call us last week claiming she was being harrassed at a western melbourne caravan park where she had been living for awhile she advised. She wanted to move to live in a nicer environment as the other place had outside toilets and showers etc the old story. We have inside facilities and gas central heating etc with all conveniences and our residents were well behaved and house trained so the transision should not be difficult with the Public Trustees STC State Trustees approving her move.

All seemed to have gone well until we needed to organise a room inspection as the local Council were to inspect premises as part of their annual check of our Registered Rooming House etc, when the others noticed a terrible smell coming out of her room which on checking it was found that this lady aged about 40 was using the mattress as a toilet and the mattress had soaked up both urine and faeces and the smell wafting into her neighbours rooms was extremely disgusting in the extreme. This woman though nothing of it after we told her she had to clean the mess up which she refused to do so resulting in us having the evict her on HEALTH & SAFETY grounds as we are not qualified nor registered to offer nursing home services. The State Trustees had obviously not done its duty to inform us of the extent of her health/mental problems or did not know to take the neccessary steps to put her into an appropriate facility.

The results are plain to any reader of the risks we take when we offer to assist people with accommodation...a matteress lost and at a cost for its disposal, a carpet to clean and a horrific smell to eradicate from our buildings asap for the confort of our other residents and of course to explain to the local health department.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


SWINBURNE HAS MADE A HUGE ERROR OF JUDGEMENT in my opinion by reducing the expenditure in the services sector at LILYDALE where the electronic media cannot work to train people with hands-on skills.

They are only thinking inside their own survival mode and not the reality that less buildings will be needed in Hawthorn in the future when the theory and mathematics subjects will be able to be taught via webnars in online learning classes which is already happening now and even Melbourne Uni has embraced that medium joining many overseas organisations.

If Swinburne management were really planning for the future...they have got it totally wrong. The State Government has seen the future and cut funding accordingly, but Swinburne have chosen to keep the empire growing in Hawthorn when in reality less resources will be needed at that location and only time will prove the government and me right.


Imagine another another financial meltdown and all the Local Govt Super funds are lost. My question is how much will our ratepayers be up for AGAIN to cover the total loss? Does anyone know?

Dont dismiss this possibility as this scenario is very likely in the current economic climate. In such event locals will ALSO need to chip in extra for the State Govt Super Fund AGAIN and how much extra tax will have to be raised to replace those funds.

Both Super Funds have lost substantial $billions on several occassions and ratepayers and taxpayers have had to chip in to replace those losses... its just that people forget history. I don't forget because i was involved in institutional investment in the money markets when under the Whitlam Govt interest rates rose to banks paying up to 26%pa for 4 years and as a consequence reduced the face value of bonds and other assets substantially..

The Govt Super funds were set up by acturial 'experts' giving assurances that using 'professional' investment managers the super funds would earn enough to be self funding...however the reality has been the opposite on several occassions.

This is why I am totally against the concept of superannuation being worth anything of true value for this country except for those feeding off it.

Even the Industry Super Funds are attempting to gain an advantage by meddling in the partial involvement of the Australian economic management which is the role of the Reserve Bank and the Federal Government. IMO this philosophy will fail to do justice for their members security over the life of the funds no matter how clever they think they are or how good their advertising implies the reverse.

But as far as Local, State and Federal Superfunds are concerned .... most ratepayers and taxpayers would be staggered as to the contingent liabiility overhanging ALL taxpayers which are not quantified because the liability numbers have been transfered to be only relevent to the Super Fund bodies, yet are very relevent as we taxpayers are ultimately responsible. So I ask the question AGAIN?

HOW MUCH would our ratepayers need to raise AGAIN, if ALL the Super Funds were lost by the next economic meltdown, which would also substantially reduce the ability of most ratepayers to find the money to pay.

So if the Landowners and new Candidates can understand that set of numbers, then they might realise how super protected and expensive each extra hour of each government employed person is as a local government employee and why how important it is to economise and reduce staffing levels and or convert as many full time employees to contract staff.

I challenge anyone to prove me wrong?

Also published in COLDSTREAM 3770 blog this morning.

Monday, 1 October 2012


Media Release

Date2 October 2012
EmbargoFor Immediate Release

Statement by Glenn Stevens, Governor: Monetary Policy Decision

At its meeting today, the Board decided to lower the cash rate by 25 basis points to 3.25 per cent, effective 3 October 2012.
The outlook for growth in the world economy has softened over recent months, with estimates for global GDP being edged down, and risks to the outlook still seen to be on the downside. Economic activity in Europe is contracting, while growth in the United States remains modest. Growth in China has also slowed, and uncertainty about near-term prospects is greater than it was some months ago. Around Asia generally, growth is being dampened by the more moderate Chinese expansion and the weakness in Europe.
Key commodity prices for Australia remain significantly lower than earlier in the year, even though some have regained some ground in recent weeks. The terms of trade have declined by over 10 per cent since the peak last year and will probably decline further, though they are likely to remain historically high.
Financial markets have responded positively over the past few months to signs of progress in addressing Europe's financial problems, but expectations for further progress remain high. Low appetite for risk has seen long-term interest rates faced by highly rated sovereigns, including Australia, remain at exceptionally low levels. Nonetheless, capital markets remain open to corporations and well-rated banks, and Australian banks have had no difficulty accessing funding, including on an unsecured basis. Share markets have generally risen over recent months.
In Australia, most indicators available for this meeting suggest that growth has been running close to trend, led by very large increases in capital spending in the resources sector. Consumption growth was quite firm in the first half of 2012, though some of that strength was temporary. Investment in dwellings has remained subdued, though there have been some tentative signs of improvement, while non-residential building investment has also remained weak. Looking ahead, the peak in resource investment is likely to occur next year, and may be at a lower level than earlier expected. As this peak approaches it will be important that the forecast strengthening in some other components of demand starts to occur.
Labour market data have shown moderate employment growth and the rate of unemployment has thus far remained low. The Bank's assessment, though, is that the labour market has generally softened somewhat in recent months. 
Inflation has been low, with underlying measures near 2 per cent over the year to June, and headline CPI inflation lower than that. The introduction of the carbon price is affecting consumer prices in the current quarter, and this will continue over the next couple of quarters. Moderate labour market conditions should work to contain pressure on labour costs in sectors other than those directly affected by the current strength in resources. This and some continuing improvement in productivity performance will be needed to keep inflation low as the effects of the earlier exchange rate appreciation wane. The Bank's assessment remains, at this point, that inflation will be consistent with the target over the next one to two years.
Interest rates for borrowers have for some months been a little below their medium-term averages. There are tentative signs of this starting to have some of the expected effects, though the impact of monetary policy changes takes some time to work through the economy. However, credit growth has softened of late and the exchange rate has remained higher than might have been expected, given the observed decline in export prices and the weaker global outlook.
At today's meeting, the Board judged that, on the back of international developments, the growth outlook for next year looked a little weaker, while inflation was expected to be consistent with the target. The Board therefore decided that it was appropriate for the stance of monetary policy to be a little more accommodative.

Friday, 21 September 2012


The meaning and intention of the OPEN SPACE CONTRIBUTION appears to being misused and treated like just another tax for general revenue by Councils and Shires and thus if the ACT is not being used according to the intended law then the term should changed to reflect the true TAXING nature as indeed it has become a SHARE OF DEVELOPERS PROFITS TAX which some Councils like the Greater Dandenong Council are requiring that developers pay the several $million 'CONTRIBUTIONS TAX' prior to gaining subdivision approvals to offer OFF THE PLAN pre-sales to the public and prior to getting funding from bankers who always require pre-sales evidence before lending them the development money to proceed with providing more housing in that region. These types of demands are resulting in no deals going through part application stage as developers would need $millions more in equity to proceed with the projects. The alternative be that Councils be required to use that OPEN SPACE CONTRIBUTIONS money for its proper intended use and to buy land for Parks & or Recreation use in the outer fringes of Melbourne or Victoria in lieu of the lack of such land availability in the inner suburban areas, rather than it going into consolidated revenue.
Councils are already buying land outside their boundaries for rubbish disposal Land Fill sites and Councils like the CITY OF MELBOURNE should be required to use those PUBLIC OPEN SPACE CONTRIBUTION collections for purchase of their own PRIVATE OPEN SPACE for use by their ratepayers outside their council boundaries.
This would increase the demand for GWZ land which is currently the cheapest land available today, it sometimes being next door to smaller parcels of land up to 40 times more valuable per square foot and the proposal a more equitable means of getting a protected "Green Wedge" Open Space supply of land instead of expecting private landlords to pay for the original Greenie plan by Liberal Party Premier - Rupert Hamer. It was Sir Rupert Hamer who came up with this socialistic plan to let the private owners pay for the Greens Lungs of Melbourne idealism which is silly considering that the whole of Victoria and Australia have more than enough government Crown Lands & designated National Parks and extesive millions of acres of green grazing farmlands providing fresh air for the major cities for the Lungs of Melbourne ideal.
The true financial stakeholders are the landowners and their bankers who are never consulted or been considered for invitation by letter for discussion; whereas the Green pauper and public housing groups seem to get all the attention as claiming to be stakeholders deserving influence in other peoples private property rights and in so doing debasing the asset cover held by the banks and putting the borrowing landowners at grave risk..which the Planning Ministers and their Department staff never consider in their deliberations.
If Victoria is to be run like a Socialist State by the Liberals then I wish they would just be honest about it, so we can decide whether to fight them from the trenches or to move to WA or QLD perhaps. Its been a 40 years punishment for GWZ landowners whereas murderers get substantially less these days.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


GILLYSROOMS IN AUSTRALIA says: in personal liberty in USA Contact them at
Hate to tell you guys who cant see the wood for the trees…but the more you push this nonsence the more votes Obama will get. Republicans shot themselves in the foot the momement they kicked out Dr Ron Paul and chose pretty boy Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney is right to say that 47% of the voters dont pay taxes and wont vote for him, but he probably dont know that another 20 % of people like him dont pay tax either and the rest who do pay taxes dont want to pay tax either. He was right to advise his potential financial benefactors that he needs to focus on winning the votes of the independents we in Australia call them the swinging voters because if he can convince them and not enrage many of the 47% who are unlikely to vote at all….then he can win the election. Its a pretty simple summation of whats going on. even if my percentage numbers might vary from the exact.
This type of politics is how it works in Australia with the two major parties having their loyal followers no matter what happens…but its the swinging voters who ossilate between the two major parties and the Greens 10% who control the end result and thats what they do…the major parties bring in policies which might hurt their loyal followers just so they can win the swinging independent voters. End result we have two parties one which is a socialist party named the Labor Party who claim to look after the workers and the poor and middleclass poor and the Liberal Party who call themselves a Free Enterprise Conservative party for business and less government, but in actuality are a socialistic quasi fascist government who keep the socialist taxing policies in all States they win government in as well as Federal government to keep taxing the haves to pay for the poorer middle classes who claim to be the have nots.
The end result is that those with assets will always pay taxes whether under Obama or Mitt should he win….the reality is that Obama is telling the truth to the richer that he will increase taxes but Mitt is lying to most of the rich that he can even offer lower taxes but if he wins he will try to favour or influence the decisions for his rich benefactors by giving them government contracts so even though they might still have to continue paying more taxes their business revenue increase with new contracts will more than make up the increase in taxes they will be paying.
So there you have it, if your not a large financial supporter and Mitt wins you will still pay more taxes to pay for both your poors food and lodgings and to pay interest on your nations borrowings. The same applies in Australia.
The other important issue for Mitt Romney…is that his supporters dont upset or enrage many of the 47% before the election who might be ordinarily too lazy to vote….the question is can you people control yourselves ??? Now i’d like to send you my political advice bill worth $10,000,000 but who do i send my account too?

Saturday, 8 September 2012


Investors have discovered a new way to save contruction costs by moving to use laminated timber buildings as Lend Lease and Grollo have on their books.

The cross laminated multiple timber layers are glued and then pressed given them the structural strength similar to concrete or steel, allowing the building to bear the load of the 10 storeys.

The Lend Lease Docklands development Forté main structure finished after just 16 weeks, making it the tallest timber residential building in the world. They started in the first week of June, with levels rapidly added. Windows and insulation are now being installed. Construction of the building is expected to be completed in mid-October.

“Concrete and steel buildings are carbon intensive but timber, as well as being renewable, has the advantage of storing carbon. Timbers used are also sourced from certified sustainably managed forests,” .
“With the structure being built entirely from CLT, Forté will reduce CO2 equivalent emissions by more than 1,400 tonnes when compared to concrete and steel – the equivalent of removing 345 cars from our roads.”

So the Greens movement might be happier but im sure they wont be pleased that timber use will rise by importing more and using less timber from local sources costing jobs for local foresters and building workers.

And if we consider than African and Brazilian iron ore mines are opening up using $2 per day miners the Asians have woken up they can get their minerals cheaper than in Australia whose workers get paid 150 times more as Gina Reinhardt tried to remind our blinkered Treasurer Wayne Swan.

These issues open up many more threats to all our industries which the Federal Govt refuses to even acknowlege...very puzzling.... scratch my head...or are they aware but just dont want to go there as it will mean acknowleging our whole economiy is at risk.


Last week we had Lady April Hamer, Sir Rupert Hamers' widow remind us how socialistic the Liberal Party were then and still are now when it comes to Land Rights of the GREEN WEDGE ZONED LAND on outskirts of Melbourne Metropolitan area. Lady Hamer came out to express concern that her socialist husbands policy to dispossess GWZ land from farmers 40 years ago might go. Strangely enough it transpires that Lady Hamer is the patron of a Greens Group in inner Melbourne who are anti everything to do with development.

I call it GraveYard politics and I believe its time to let go of the policies of the dead and come back to the future and if the Liberal party want to be known as progressive and supporters of private property and free enterprise.

I see my role is to get the socialism out of the Liberal Party in Victoria..

Thursday, 16 August 2012


I made an interesting discovery today....that it appears that accoding to a submission to the State Government the following organisations listed below support the keeping of farmland prices as low as possible by [read red statement below]  .....

The price of land in Yarra Ranges is determined by its rural residential value (up to areas of

about 30 ha.). This makes it difficult for existing enterprises to expand their business in a
nearby location, particularly for the crop sectors at the lower end of the scale for net returns
per ha. This includes vegetables, orchard fruit and viticulture. A number of businesses have
expanded by purchasing properties outside the Shire, particularly in northern Victoria. While
this provides some diversification for managing climate risk, it does increase costs of
production, either running two sets of post-harvest facilities or returning crops to the home
property for post-harvest handling.
A solution to this problem could be to expand existing tenement controls to broader areas of the Green Wedge zones, so land would not have rural residential value, but this would meet with widespread opposition from the majority of existing landholders.
This submission is supported by the following organisations:
Australian Rubus Growers Association
Centre for Agriculture and Business - Yarra Valley Inc.
Flowers Victoria
Nursery and Garden Industry Victoria
Victorian Cherry Association Inc.
Victorian Strawberry Growers Association
Yarra ValleyWine Growers Association

January 2009

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


Why are so many of our current and previous politicians so intent in diverting investment money away from local real estate such as farms and encourage the accumulation of foreign and local financial assets through the impost of a Superannuation Levy system on employees wages? While we think we are so smart with investing overseas on questionable easy investments,like the Prime Mortgage Funds, Shares and other financial instruments; the much smarter asians are buying up prime farming land using our billions spent on imported good. The imported good will sooner or later end up in landfill but the farms will still be producing food for asian countries.

Surely others can see the stupidity in public policy when both politicians and the public are so mezmerised into believing will generate a safe retirement without buying any local real estate. IMO I cant see how this direction will ever have the desired effect other than to dispossess another generation of a decent retirement as more than one extra financial crisis will surely wipe out the value of most financial assets.

Well actually, i do believe i know why Peter Costello Tresurer in the Howard government indroduced taxation incentives to encourage the sale of property to be invested into Superannuation Funds...was implemented to discourage property inflation during the Howard years which was at a high risk of occurring during those years, and explains why the govt decided to pay off debt and not reduce taxes or dish out other benefits.

IMO most Australian well watered farmland is substantially undervalued by locals but my views are confirmed by the contuing buying spree of more prime farmlands and probably helping to keep our $A higher than otherwise might have been the case. What is not known is whether the foreign buyers are using their own capital reserves or whether they are borrowing locally to fund purchses in both mining and farming assets.  Too complex for me to really say...only the RBA would know.

The 9% Levy soon to be increased through bribery to 12% is no more than fools gold which in my opinion which on top of excessively high wages is assisting in the demise of Australian Industry which in addition with Carbon taxes are forcing such companies as BlueScope Steel to reduce expensive staff in Australia and employ Asian staff at around $1.50- $3 per hour.No super Levy, No Workers Comp, No EPA conditions, No Carbon Taxes, No Maternity/ Paternity Leave or Holiday Loading...maybe just some bribery?

The remaining Private Sector is then left to support the unemployable, the old, the sick and the Local, State and Federal govt workers whose benefits are underwritten through taxation. Are we going back to the Kings & Serfs of old? Where the King and his men decided what the serfs could do with their land and how much in taxes they should pay to support the King & his entourage of administrators?

Friday, 10 August 2012


In my opinion progressive State Governments in Victoria Australia have failed miserably and been costing local property ratepayers bigtime because it has failed to get the Local Government Defined Benefit Superannuation Scheme funding and investment arrangements right. In my living memory I recall that ratepayers have had to kick in $billions for the loses incurred by the Local Government Superannuation Scheme and local governments other merchant banking failures on at least three occassions.
Others might know the history better but i seem to recall the Kilmore area Council lifting rates by a massive 100% some years ago to cover for the losses incurred when their co-operative money market market MAV venture with other councils went broke, and during the Paul Keating recession we had to have other super funds went broke when the State Bank went broke. We forget history repeating itself but our policy makers are NOT protecting we ratepayers.

In my opinion it would be safer if NO NEW funds were put back in to cover the losses of the Local Government which are now running to several $billion because we would be risking losing it all again at the next financial crisis of which i estimate there will be several more. The Defined Benefit Schemes would be better funded on a Pay As You Go basis for current pensioners and so Councils would know how much it was really costing to employ all those extra staff and perhaps be a little more prudent in their hirings of staff in the future..

I urge Ratepayers to look at this issue to have the State Government pass the required legislation to stop this taxing drain on property owners and contact your local MP's to demand a change to protect our own incomes. If you dont, no one else will.

Saturday, 5 May 2012


The USA CANNOT afford full employment if your unemployed suddenly got jobs tomorrow they would want a new car to be IMPORTED, more fuel IMPORTED, new washing machine IMPORTED, new TV mobile hone IMPORTED…better new apartments RENT INCREASES OF ENORMOUS PERCENTAGES, new houses..IMPORTED FROM CHINA, digital camera..IMPORTED, more food…IMPORTED FROM ASIA.

WORK IT OUT NOW.... How many unemployed do you have now, plus how many homeless multiply that by total expected imports = MULTI TRILLION DOLLAR BALANCE OF PAYMENTS DEFICITS, EXCALLATING WAGE DEMANDS= HYPER INFLATION FOR THE REST OF THE CURRENTLY EMPLOYED PEOPLE, HIGHER INTEREST RATES TO 15% my guestimate.

So may I suggest you need just a few more people in jobs but not everyone in jobs to disrupt your current cozy lifestyle?


Copy from Bob Livingstons PERSONAL LIBERTY DIGEST
GILLYSROOMS IN AUSTRALIA, the statement you made that nobody want’s to pay taxes here is what I call a global statement. Some people here don’t mind paying taxes if they are used for the right purposes. And your statement that Republicans don’t want to share their wealth is also a global statement about Republicans. Does anybody really want to “share their wealth”? I know a lot of Republicans that donate to charities and who support worthy causes. But you are right that most conservatives don’t want to share their wealth with people who don’t do anything to earn it.
How do you define needy people?
Can they be lazy and needy too?
You say that “I know a lot of Republicans that donate to charities and who support worthy causes.”
Can you define worthy causes and charities ? Are these worthy cause like the Salvation Army who provide money and assistance to the criminally insane, thieves and vagabonds regarded as worthy causes?
I would object to the waste of money on the con artists and thieving actors who they assist every day so these “poor vulnerable people” or rather i call them lazy [maybe also needy] con artists can use their other money for alcohol and drugs. Why do wealthy people indirectly donate so much to these lazy class of thieves?
No I don’t agree to support these types of needy people. I would rather the wealthy donate to build museums or direct funds to medical science under conditions that discoveries be used to provide cheaper medicines for the general public.
Of the $Billions donated over the last 50 years for medical research, why is it that Cancer cures cost so much? Who is using this free research funding to discover cures and then selling them for excessive pricings? I would like donations to have strings attached.
I would much more agree that the lazy hobos remain on the streets and sleep under bridges as this class of person, well at least in Australia…I class as REJECTS, their families don’t want them, their friends don’t want them, and even the social workers wont house them preferring to pass them on to charities who waste their money on them.
Most have psychiatric problems, have personality problems and are just plain dangerous because they can’t live with strangers or family members, so why should anyone else take the risk to house them?
You want a say on how the government spends your tax money…but unfortunately its not that easy unless you work in government and have the authority…but alas the taxation system does NOT work to meet your personal expenditure requirements and those of every citizen who pays taxes…the only choice you have is an average choice…a communal choice as determined by millions of voters who vote for Members of your Congress, Senate and President who once chosen rely on the public services to administer the trillions of tax collections. Funnily enough these people remain in employment no matter how many administrations come and go ….their personalities do not change if suddenly the republicans win…unless the Republicans make specific directions in their policy adoption processes, The President and his men…have NO SAY in the Public servants offices. So i laugh at all the forum participants who blame OBAMA for all your current problems…when Obama represents the aspirations of all the Democrat supporters who voted him in last time and those who intend to vote for him again next time.
I support Dr. Ron Paul because he offers a seismic shift in policy whereas Mitt is just another Obama….Mitt cant offer anything new, whereas RON PAUL does. RON PAUL is different, he is better and put him in the limelight in debates and people will understand his wisdom. Mitt does not imprress me at all even though I’m in Australia …but i believe your treating your voters with contempt when you wish to put up MITT as a substandard product for sale/ on offer….they will choose Obama. Im sure Mitt is a nice enough guy…but voters want standout candidates which Ron Paul is. The Republicans should not gamble with Mitt unless they want to lose…
Its either RON PAUL or OBAMA in my view. .
I support RON PAUL’s policies because they are self-evident and honest…why go try find any alternative. You have had him for 40 years but you Americans have kept him under wraps WHY? Is it because you want things to remain the same? It goes to the root of the lack of honesty in many of your debaters who can’t debate rationally on policies …the very policies which RON PAUL offers but some of you are looking for someone younger better looking…in Mitt…but that won’t win you a Republican President.
In the end, I too have to accept what you Americans choose …but I can sure try hard to make you see the light. …the TREASURE you have before your eyes….sometimes i think you Americans enjoy choosing losers so that you can continue to complain about OBAMA…its part of the pleasure pain syndrome…you enjoy the pleasure of complaining about OBAMA the man instead of voting in RON PAUL your saviour…who you maybe don’t really believe in lower taxes and govt waste. You enjoy shooting yourselves in the foot….that’s my honest ,,no nonsense opinion…today.
Further, your country could not afford full employment if your unemployed suddenly got jobs tomorrow they would want a new car,,,IMPORTED, more fuel IMPORTED, new washing machine IMPORTED, new TV mobile hone IMPORTED…better new apartments RENT INCREASES OF ENORMOUS PERCENTAGES, new houses..IMPORTED FROM CHINA, digital camera..IMPORTED, more food…IMPORTED FROM ASIA. How many unemployed do you have now, plus how many homeless multiply that by total expected imports + MULTI TRILLION DOLLAR BALANCE OF PAYMENTS DEFICITS, EXCALLATING WAGE DEMANDS= HYPER INFLATION FOR THE REST OF THE CURRENTLY EMPLOYED PEOPLE, HIGHER INTEREST RATES TO 15% my guestimate. So may I suggest you need just a few more in jobs but not everyone in jobs to disrupt your current cozy lifestyle?
MY reply
A great deal of what you say is totally correct that wealth usually comes from unfetted free enterprise, HOWEVER the corruption within government of offering contracts to many corporations using government tax revenues has put your and many other nations in deficit from , THEY ARE LIVING OFF TAXES TOO. CORPORATE WELFARE IF YOU WILL. Those corporations who rely on government contracts for military purchases and roads and other essentials are not living directly of free enterprise activities. And many of your unemployed are living on government welfare so they can purchase food from your farms. So do you wish taxes to reduce after stopping food stamps and social welfare or stop money for roads or military wages?

America’s problems seem to stem from a belief that no one should pay taxes and that all government departments should close down except for the military and the police. No one wants to pay any tax and Republicans supporters most especially don’t want to share their wealth with anyone. They believe that they have worked hard using their skills to build and operate a business which is earning them an income and profit and why should they have to share that with others and strangers at that, as after all our profits are due to our hard work and skills at using cheap labor in America or the Asian countries and not due to government policies or the poorer being given money to buy our food and goods using food stamps.

Oh No, our businesses run independently to the American economy and we dont need others to steal our money through taxation. We want the lazy unemployed masses to beg and sleep under bridges or the streets and not be supported by government handouts. We want poor Americans to camp out in our bus stations and parks and beg for food and if they get too desperate and dare to try to steal food then the police can put them in concentration camps where they can earn their keep and food by breaking rocks for road construction companies who charge tolls for using their roads. Why should your poor be offered work for a reasonable wage if we can employ workers from China at $1 per hour. We only want to sell cars to other business people who can afford our high priced Ford motor vehicles and the poor can just learn to walk instead or get a bike. Charity is only optional if the churches themselves can get donations from other silly people who want to offer food and shelter to the millions of poor who will be sleeping in doorways and camping along rivers and parks and really who cares if they die freezing to death…they not our problem and certainly not the American way and certainly not the Christian way of doing things…nowhere in the bible does it say we should help the poor and disadvantaged, the lazy and the weak. Oh no we want to keep our money in gold.and not houses which might have desperate and dangerous squatters living in them who cant afford to pay rent because they can’t even afford to buy food after the Republican government scraps the food stamp program. .

Everyone needs to pay taxes to keep your economy going and its up to your representatives who you been voting in for the last 300 years to do what the majority wants them to do even if you as an individual or a group do not agree with the results.. That’s life, but some of you guys can’t accept the results of every one of your elections and continue to be bad losers when your party does not win. You act in a treasonous way with what some of you and your representative do against the good running of your elected or part majority elected government. I don’t blame you for being that way as it is the nature of men who have strong political beliefs and I myself do it sometimes too. Every time you have an election the losers complain that they could do it better and when they do win…THEY DO LITTLE to improve your economic situation.

Taxes cannot be apportioned according to some fair sharing system…it does not work that way. , Unfortunately your economy is not structured to suddenly cut expenditure programs to counterbalance lower taxes, that instant program will put your economy into a much worse situation than your in now…it will nosedive and gold prices will rise substantially for the benefit of traders and the major holders of gold such as the Chinese.

Those of you who might like to make more money out of such a scenario would in my opinion be unpatriotic to wish to profit from the demise of everyone else in your community

The reality is that your economy cannot operate without more people or corporations paying higher taxes…and so get on with it and pay more income taxes or pay more by losing everything in your financial collapse..I CANT PUT IT IN ANY OTHER LANGUAGE. iF YOU PAY MORE TAXES, THEN YOU WILL MAKE MORE MONEY AND GET TO KEEP WHAT YOU OWN NOW. LOOK AT THE SO CALLED SMART GREEKS…HOW SMART ARE THEY NOW??? DO YOU WISH TO FOLLOW IN THEIR FOOTSTEPS TOO?? JUST THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR CONTINUAL EGO BICKERING IN CONGRESS. ITS A TOTAL DISGRACE…

AND UNTIL YOU REPUBLICANS SUPPORT BY NOMINATING DR RON PAUL , then i’m going to believe that they too agree that more people are going to need to pay higher taxes to balance your budget. There are only TWO solutions…DR RON PAUL OR OBAMA. Mitt is just another Obama just another Democrat in sheeps clothing. So basically when you Republicans become honest by supporting honest candidates like Ron Paul…then I’ll believe your talk. Until then I DONT BELIEVE ANYONE EXCEPT RON PAUL.

How do you define needy people?
Can they be lazy and needy too?
You say that “I know a lot of Republicans that donate to charities and who support worthy causes.”
Can you define worthy causes and charities ? Are these worthy cause like the Salvation Army who provide money and assistance to the criminally insane, thieves and vagabonds regarded as worthy causes?
I would object to the waste of money on the con artists and thieving actors who they assist every day so these “poor vulnerable people” or rather i call them lazy [maybe also needy] con artists can use their other money for alcohol and drugs. Why do wealthy people indirectly donate so much to these lazy class of thieves?
No I don’t agree to support these types of needy people. I would rather the wealthy donate to build museums or direct funds to medical science under conditions that discoveries be used to provide cheaper medicines for the general public.
Of the $Billions donated over the last 50 years for medical research, why is it that Cancer cures cost so much? Who is using this free research funding to discover cures and then selling them for excessive pricings? I would like donations to have strings attached.
I would much more agree that the lazy hobos remain on the streets and sleep under bridges as this class of person, well at least in Australia…I class as REJECTS, their families don’t want them, their friends don’t want them, and even the social workers wont house them preferring to pass them on to charities who waste their money on them.
Most have psychiatric problems, have personality problems and are just plain dangerous because they can’t live with strangers or family members, so why should anyone else take the risk to house them?
You want a say on how the government spends your tax money…but unfortunately its not that easy unless you work in government and have the authority…but alas the taxation system does NOT work to meet your personal expenditure requirements and those of every citizen who pays taxes…the only choice you have is an average choice…a communal choice as determined by millions of voters who vote for Members of your Congress, Senate and President who once chosen rely on the public services to administer the trillions of tax collections. Funnily enough these people remain in employment no matter how many administrations come and go ….their personalities do not change if suddenly the republicans win…unless the Republicans make specific directions in their policy adoption processes, The President and his men…have NO SAY in the Public servants offices. So i laugh at all the forum participants who blame OBAMA for all your current problems…when Obama represents the aspirations of all the Democrat supporters who voted him in last time and those who intend to vote for him again next time.
I support Dr. Ron Paul because he offers a seismic shift in policy whereas Mitt is just another Obama….Mitt cant offer anything new, whereas RON PAUL does. RON PAUL is different, he is better and put him in the limelight in debates and people will understand his wisdom. Mitt does not imprress me at all even though I’m in Australia …but i believe your treating to voters with contempt when you wish to put up MITT as a substandard product for sale/ on offer….they will choose Obama. Im sure Mitt is a nice enough guy…but voters want standout candidates which Ron Paul is. The Republicans should not gamble with Mitt unless they want to lose…
Its either RON PAUL or OBAMA in my view. .
I support RON PAUL’s policies because they are self-evident and honest…why go try find any alternative. You have had him for 40 years but you Americans have kept him under wraps WHY? Is it because you want things to remain the same? It goes to the root of the lack of honesty in many of your debaters who can’t debate rationally on policies …the very policies which RON PAUL offers but some of you are looking for someone younger better looking…in Mitt…but that won’t win you a Republican President.
In the end, I too have to accept what you Americans choose …but I can sure try hard to make you see the light. …the TREASURE you have before your eyes….sometimes i think you Americans enjoy choosing losers so that you can continue to complain about OBAMA…its part of the pleasure pain syndrome…you enjoy the pleasure of complaining about OBAMA the man instead of voting in RON PAUL your saviour…who you maybe don’t really believe in lower taxes and govt waste. You enjoy shooting yourselves in the foot….that’s my honest ,,no nonsense opinion…today.
Further, your country could not afford full employment if your unemployed suddenly got jobs tomorrow they would want a new car,,,IMPORTED, more fuel IMPORTED, new washing machine IMPORTED, new TV mobile hone IMPORTED…better new apartments RENT INCREASES OF ENORMOUS PERCENTAGES, new houses..IMPORTED FROM CHINA, digital camera..IMPORTED, more food…IMPORTED FROM ASIA. How many unemployed do you have now, plus how many homeless multiply that by total expected imports + MULTI TRILLION DOLLAR BALANCE OF PAYMENTS DEFICITS, EXCALLATING WAGE DEMANDS= HYPER INFLATION FOR THE REST OF THE CURRENTLY EMPLOYED PEOPLE, HIGHER INTEREST RATES TO 15% my guestimate. So may I suggest you need just a few more in jobs but not everyone in jobs to disrupt your current cozy lifestyle?


My current annoyance with our Conservative Victorian State government in Australia is that they require houses with 4 people who are unrelated to be registered with the local council. ie 4 people or more…i might understand 10 or more but 4 is ridiculous it makes it uneconomical to do so and with a shortage of accommodation becoming critical it means that if I housed a woman with 2 children i would have to register the house so i could accept another person in the home. Its plain silly…its not a matter of trying to avoid income taxes which i declare anyway..its the silly health rules, fees and other red tape which a smaller house would be trapped into with government regulations, And further they could have repealed these socialist type regulations brought in by the previous Socialist Labor Government BUT they chose to keep them, which annoys me the most, nor are they interested in reviewing these rules.
I have decided to go slow and even gone on strike permanently in Australia by stopping to provide accommodation for the homeless due to the silly regulations when even our so called free enterprise and pro business State government of Victoria has continues to discourage investment in the area. I’m leaving it to the churches or the government social workers to provide shelter to the homeless thieves and vagabonds, due to the Gestapo type secret police rules they have introduced to seek out any investor who dares to provide accommodation for 4 or more people in a house unless they register with the local council. How dare I not comply with their important regulations…loll Families of any number don’t need to register but as soon as an investors DARES to rent out his rooms to 4 or more people than that becomes a crime in the State of Victoria.

I say ….. Let them sleep under bridges and on park benches. Or perhaps those do gooders in the Liberal Party of Australia in Victoria and the political members of parliament who agree with such stupid laws…they perhaps could offer accommodation to these “poor vulnerable” criminals themselves. What a load of nonscense...these people are not vunerable...its the churches who are preyed upon.

Yes I agree we too have STUPID LAZY POLITICIANS who won’t do any of their own research but are prepared to listen to TENANTS UNIONS and socialists who were employed by the previous SOCIALIST LABOR PARTY. And still employed by our new government SOCIALIST LIBERAL PARTY who claim to want to help small business. What a laugh….
I should advise that all homeless or unemployed in Australia receive government support and rent assistance being enough to pay for a room and food which is their choice to do and i provided rooms to many in crisis for rent, not charity. My charity was accepting them on short notice when no one else would. I do not provide food...i am able to provide a room for up to 15 -20 people in a government registered building with fire safety regulations being met  etc The building also has gas central heating for cold winter months which is included in the rent i charge. The rooms are furnished with refrigerator, bed etc. basics and sometimes a TV, but most have their own TV or computer these days.  
During our interview process I set out house rules which they must agree to, these rules are important to maintain the peace and good order and safety of all residents. These rules require that they do not take or deal drugs on my property or to invite any of their criminal associates onto my property which are banned anyway and i advise them also that i give a list of residents to police in case they thinking of hiding from police they best not accept to live in any of my houses. I also tell them that i have given police permission to enter premises without a Search Warrant at any time and they must agree to let them in...If the police suspect any illegal activities in their room etc. That they not attempt to borrow from other residents and NOT to bang on their doors at any time or to make any noise after 9pm at night as some residents do work and need a rested sleep. That all residents undertake to keep their rooms clean and to help keep the general house and gardens clean. And I advise them that they must pay their rent on time because I am providing them a room, a good mattress and roof over their heads on time too. My rules are set for the benefit of everyone and I advise them that if they break our agreement or become aggressive against others they will be evicted and I do sometimes needing police assistance...
Whilst some of my tenants became homeless due to relationship breakup or loss of a job which meant they could no longer maintain a lease on an apartment and thus might otherwise be honest and good citizens, some were thrown out by their spouses because of their aggressive behavior or alcoholism or drug taking affects or other behavioral problems and issues. The problem is some of these people are REJECTS because their families and relatives don’t want them, their girlfriends don’t want them, no one wants to live with them because of their behavioral issues and we don’t want them either unless they accept our conditions,
Some accept our conditions to get a room and then decide that they don’t like my rules and want to take over management on their terms which does not suit me and after a warning or two if they lucky we ask them to leave and go find another abode who may wish to accept their terms and conditions and if they behave themselves they will get time to find another room elsewhere where they may be more appreciated. All like our facilities and don’t want to leave but as they can’t accept our other terms. We evict sometimes with police assistance. Many of these people have serious personality problems and can’t live with anybody let alone their families, I don’t feel sorry for them if you knew the disruption they can cause in a group accommodation facility I operate and sleeping in a park or under a bridge would be good therapy and training for them,
I'll tell you a true story of a guy living with his girlfriend in one of my houses...he became abusive against his gf and threw pizza around their room and was drunk and disorderly so I evicted him for disturbing the peace. He went to live at another rooming house where many violent criminals lived and there were no rules...He got assaulted several times and left to live in a safer park bench. He rang me up pleading to be permitted to return, I said NO. He begged so I said that the only way I would accept him was if he understood a serious Alcohol detox course and be successfully rehabilitated. With that he undertook a 10 day course and showed me his certificate but i still said no to return to live with his gf ...i permitted him to move into one of my country houses for a long trial period...and only after i was sure that he was respecting my rules did i allow him to return but in a separate room. This guy was not uneducated he had been an electrical engineer and had been in the Army had previously been married etc. but took to the drink as some people do. He now has been a great help with my admiration of some of my houses, but i must say he is the exception rather than the rule of people being rehabilitated.
Some people leave of their own accord and if they are paid up when they request they return, then if their behavior was according to my rules we usually accept them again, however many are never accepted again and i feel no remorse for rejecting them and they may need to sleep rough, not my problem, The problem rests with those who choose to disrupt other people’s lives just so they can get what they want.
I had previously accepted referrals from social workers, unfortunately due to them refusing to provide mental health information about these people ...they claim PRIVACY RULES stopping them divulging vital information. I have stopped accepting their referrals from the Salvation Army, and many other groups who will hide the dangerous nature of their referrals just so they can get them housed. It has been said that they earn a performance based commission from Community Services for finding accommodation of even the most dangerous, but this has not been confirmed yet. I say if they are safe, they can house them themselves in their own homes, but don’t try putting the criminally insane and dangerous psychopaths into our homes to disrupt our lives. Let them sleep in the streets so they can maybe learn to conform or feel the snow, I'm sure many readers might agree with me.

Sunday, 8 April 2012


I have come to the conclusion that the Victorian State Government  created the very problem private rooming houses are experiencing today with mental patients causing disruption after being accepted on little information from local welfare agencies into the rooming houses because there is nowhere else to house them after the Kennet Government closed down mental institutions some years ago.   Someone can correct me if i am wrong but this is the best recollection I have in a change of government policy when Jeff Kennett decided to close down institutions and sell off the valuable real estate and also save $millions in wages too.

The welfare agencies have hundreds of patients coming in every day especially this month as we get into the winter season.  Some of these people are very dangerous yet the social workers are secretly keeping the vital safety information from Rooming House landlords and thereby risking the security and welafre of many other people in their enthusiasm to assist the homeless.

Who is to blame for this sorry state of affairs. ??

We cant blame the government for the mental health issues of its citizens, but we can blame the government who previously had accepted the responsibility to look after such people in mental institutions but then decided to close them down because of the high cost involved.

The worst aspect of this goverment policy change has been the systematic transfer of the blame onto the private rooming house operators who have and continue to be tricked by social workers backed by government policy operatives to try to intergrate these people back into society without any real who success but are also either knowingly or unknowingly not only perpertrating a crime of deceit but also are conspiring with the government to blame the private operators for them alledgedly preying on these vunerable people we dont really want. 

We dont not have the facilities or staff to house these seriously mentally ill people. We only provide rooms for able bodied people who can behave and look after their own cooking washing etc in a community of other similar type people. We charge a reasonable charge which covers rental and utilities, central heating and cleaning of common areas. We are unable to employ staff to police or manage mentally ill people ....that is the role of the mental health wards of hospitals and other medical professionals.

The local welfare agencies have a different role to ours...they want to house everyone that goes through their doors every day and will do all they can to provide shelter for such people even if it means lying to landlords just to get them off their books. Some of their clients are evicted often from their placement houses due to their behavioural problems and their inability to live with other people harmoniously, yet the social workers keep trying over and over again sometimes every few weeks knowing they wont last long.

From my experience most of these people suffer from various mental health issues some self inflicted and some genetic for lack of a better explanation. Some display symptoms of criminal insanity or just bad behaviour cause by use of various illicit drugs over several years or alcoholism which is another reason for mental instability which make this class of potential tenant unsuitable for communal living. Many of these people have no family who are prepared to provide accommodation ...they are basically rejects of both their family, friends and society generally. There is usually very good reasons why no one wants to live with them and in my view they should not be  assisted with deceit by government or social workers by putting other people's security at further risk.

I have come to the conclusion that they need to learn by experiencing a cold winter sleeping on the streets,,,maybe the only way they might learn to conform to basic norms for living in small communities in Rooming Houses. If they wont conform...then expect to live on a park bench.  You might think that a bit harsh...however you might come to the same conclusion if you had my experience dealing with these people over the years.

Of course as I often suggest...the social workers themselves or the politicians who make the silly rules like a house with 4 people or more is regarded as a Rooming House with a string of regulations to comply with....that they.might like to offer their own houses and families to provide housing and comforts for these street wise thieves, criminals and nut cases.

After making my 20 page submission to the inquiry into Rooming Houses recently carried out by the Human Services Dept, i am rather dissapointed on the lack of action from them and the Liberal Party who have have been too lazy by not overturning the secret police Gestapo spy type regulations brought in by the previous government of using Consumer Affairs and councils to enforce the 4 people rule. This could technically result in a two bedroom unit could be designated as a Rooming House. I  believe the rule should be raised to a 7 people two storey houses.

Im even annoyed that those businesses who pay for insurance have had their Fire Levies increased from 50% to now 82% so that 50% of all insurance premiums are for Fire Ley, Stamp Duty and GST.This a big impost for small or large businesses to have to put up with.  Why should the people who pay for insurance be the only ones to have to pay for fire protection and not other people who dont pay for insurance? The Labour Party idea of putting a smaller levy on all properties was a much better idea but I have my doubts that the lazy Socialist Liberal Party will change anything there either.

Anyway after a long period without a laptop, I've now got a new cheap laptop so i can start writing and complaining again when i have time and enthusiasm.

Friday, 3 February 2012


I recently met an author living in St Arnaud in Victoria 3478 his name Michael Miroslav Cic who has written about a new kind of God ...

A god of incomprehensible quality of intelligence, friendship, love and beauty...This particular "god" most certainly is NOT related to the god of the "Old Testament"; nor is it related to ANY organized religion whatsoever. Nevertheless, it implicitly "belongs" to MINDS like those of Socrates, Aristotle, Einstein and Tesla.....This UNKNOWABLE SUPERMIND does not share mankind's "intellectually-induced faith; no religious "belief".... it is not interested in prayers or temples-except for their beautiful architecture.

Its "DIVINE meaning-field SOFTWARE" of constant-ecstatic-delight; is NOT related to the existence of SELF-CAUSED or SELF-INVENTED witches, devils, angels or hell...nor is this god responsible for starvation, sacrificial offerings, 'after life' rewards; superstitions, slavery, prostitution. Injustices and/or INTENTIONAL cruelties and perversions. To quote Einstein: In this sense, and in this sense only, I belong to the ranks of the devoutly religious men" I wholeheartedly agree! He writes....his free writings will be released soon for further discussions as he wishes to offer his findings ...his two discoveries which have escaped so many neuroscientists’ research findings to date.

Incidentally the Australian arm of the RED CROSS offered to buy the copy write of his e-book published in 2001 his Science Fiction/Philosophy e-book Titled: DIALOGUE WITH KONDA: Universal Philosopher published by Zues Publications, Queensland 2001 ISBN 1 876882 530

Funnily enough AMAZON doesn’t have it. See if you can find it.