Saturday, 26 October 2013


Corporate Donors
Trustee Companies

We are sick and tired of the Salvation Army, ANCHOR, EACH, MAROONDAH & DANDENONG PSYCH UNITS, WAYYS, CHL, HANOVER & other welfare organisations you support for sending us seriously bad criminals to house in our last and only emergency accommodation facility in Lilydale in Victoria after we sold off others in the Dandenong region a couple years ago for exactly the same reasons. Just look at the good accommodation Jill Meagher's murderer was enjoying in Bacchus Marsh..

We are now seeking out donors and asking Corporate Australia and Council Grant Commissions to put conditions on the use of the $millions you make available to such organizations who in our opinion are misusing your charitable giving programs by assisting seriously bad criminals which even Victoria Police are now refusing to assist us with when they assault our staff and other residents.

The privacy guidelines are in our opinion being used to protect and assist the worst offenders in our community and we cannot screen applicants and carry out costly police checks in emergency situations.

If you wish emergency accommodation to continue to be available for the genuinely homeless then we need the help from the donors who give so generously to these organisations so the funds are used responsibly because we are being hammered from ever side by the Consumer Affairs with silly fines they cant even explain themselves, the State Government with ridiculous regulations restricting numbers to 2 strangers per household, the local councils and the media who only get one side of the story.

Enough is enough we want action and are seeking the support of financial donors and Estate bequest givers. Trustee Companies etc

We will also come out and give talks on the problems we experience on a daily basis dealing with the agencies level of service you support. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.